The Children’s Diagnostic and Treatment Center in Fort Lauderdale

Fort Lauderdale, Florida – The Children’s Diagnostic and Treatment Center in Fort Lauderdale also known as CDTC. The CDTC has been assisting families who deal with special needs children since its inception in 1983, and has helped and average of 8,000 to 12,000 families yearly.

Recently one of these families spoke out on Local 10 news. Katie Gadson Aird has been caring for a special needs child Parker, her son, who was born prematurely on March 30, 1999. When he was born his condition was so bleak that he was given little chance of long term survival.

I walked in to wash up one day in the NICU and they all came around saying ‘He’s a very sick kid.  If you don’t think you can handle it we can pull the plug,’”

recalled Aird.

But like all great mothers do, instead of giving up, she relied upon her faith, and began seeking the very best care she could for her child, and found the CDTC.

What the Children’s Center for Diagnostic Treatment Does

The CDTC managed various need’s that Parker had. Parker had a very complex medical case, among these issues came speech therapy, physical therapy, and occupational therapy.

Thank God I found Children’s Diagnostic and Treatment Center (CDTC) otherwise we’d probably still be in some kind of limbo,”

Aird said.

Parker has recently graduated high school, and now being 21 years old, he has also graduated from CDTC’s Early Steps Program.

The CDTC is now helping guide Parker into the transition of being and adult, furthering his progression in life through their adult programs.

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