covid 19 florida

Updated: Covid 19 Cases, Broward and Dade County

Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Confirmed cases:
Broward counties
Confirmed as of
Miami-Dade County *(deaths: 6,112/+15 since 4/24)**478,660+878
Broward County *(deaths: 2,865/+5 since 4/24**233,165+567
* Residents TestedTesting numbers from 4/24Negative
Miami-Dade County15,336 (5.93%)14,426 (FL residents)
Broward County8,858 (6.47% percent positive)8,285 (FL residents)

** Total cases overview of county includes positive cases in Florida residents and non-Florida residents tested in Florida *** Data in this report is provisional and subject to change ****City is not always received as part of initial notification and may be missing while case is being investigated.

Check more statistics at Florida’s COVID-19 Data and Surveillance Dashboard.

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