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Broward County and Fort Lauderdale are seeing some signs of progress in their battle against Covid-19. The latest numbers show fewer patients being admitted to hospitals, but there still seems to be a steady stream.
“We’ve experienced continued people coming into the hospital to be admitted, but the vast majority of people that we’re seeing now are a little bit different than we saw in March or April,” said Dr. Joshua Lenchus, Chief Medical Officer for Broward Health Medical Center.
The patients are younger, says Lenchus, who believes this time frame is crucial.
According to the latest numbers published, the Broward County health system now has just under 200 COVID-19 patients. Lenchus believes what the County is doing is finally working, but another wave is very possible.
“Now as we start entering flu season in the next couple of months it’s even more important to continue to do what people are doing right now,” Lenchus said of the protective measures.
This news comes amid the curfew expiring, and businesses trying to do what they can to keep people safe, in turn leading to these lower numbers.
The county commission is set to meet Tuesday and may discuss whether to extend the curfew.
“Nobody really thought five months ago that we’d still be standing here talking about a surge or another wave,” said Cheryl Wild, Chief Nursing Officer of Broward Health.
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