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Fort Lauderdale, Florida – Covid -19 Vaccine Update
Last week, DeSantis outlined the vaccination distribution plan in the state:
By Tuesday morning more than 100,000 doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine will have been distributed to Florida hospitals. By the weekend, 179,000 doses will be in the state.
Next week, the state will receive 365,000 doses of the vaccine, and in just a few weeks— pending FDA approval— up to 1 million doses could be in Florida.
The New York Times developed an interactive tool to find out where you are in line to receive the vaccination based on your state, your line of work, and other health risks.
“This is 20,000 doses of hope,” John Couris, president and CEO of Tampa General said on Monday. “This is monumental if you’re sitting in our shoes, caring for the patients that need us the most.”