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Fort Lauderdale – Smoking and vaping of any kind could soon be banned on Fort Lauderdale Beach. In the proposed ban, smoking and vaping would not be allowed on the sandy parts of the beaches as well as most state parks in Fort Lauderdale.
A pleasant note for those who enjoy the occasional cigar, the ban will not apply to cigars that are unfiltered.
If the measure is approved you could receive and up to $500 fine and or 60 days in jail.
Fort Lauderdale and other coastal cities have wanted to ban smoking at the beach for years, but were blocked from doing so by a state law that gave that power to Florida legislators alone. Cities throughout the Sunshine State can now make that call on their own thanks to a change in state law that took effect on July 1.
Miami Beach was one of the first cities to enact a smoking ban at the beach and in city parks. Commissioners approved the ban last week, but it won’t take effect until January to give the city time to spread the word.
Commissioners plan to take their first vote on the ban Thursday. The new law would not kick in until after a second vote, likely before the end of the year.