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Fort Lauderdale, Florida – H.R. Giger is one of the most iconic and recognized artists of the 20th century. You may know him best as the artist who brought a masterpiece of science fiction horror to the world when ‘Alien’ was released in 1979, but his dark, surreal art has been transporting people to a universe full of hybrid mechanical beings, post-apocalyptic landscapes, hidden symbols and monochromatic images long before the film.
His extensive work covers painting, sculpture, architecture, drawing and industrial design is now on display for one more week at the Vincent Castiglia Gallery in Fort Lauderdale. We invite you and your audience to join us in viewing the deep, enigmatic world of H.R. Giger at the exhibit closing party, Thursday, February 23.
We welcome live coverage, post coverage, or just attendance from those interested in the work on display. Photos available.
WHO: Curator Stephen Romano (Brooklyn) has developed an exhibition of two of the most enigmatic and fascinating artists of our time, H.R. Giger, master of 20th century science fiction and gothic art and Vincent Castiglia whose specialty is painting with human blood.
WHAT: The closing party for “An Homage to H.R. Giger”. The exhibition is Vincent’s Castiglia’s tribute to one of the greatest artists of our time – H.R. Giger, with whom he had a very close artistic relationship. The exhibition is endorsed by The H.R. Giger estate. H.R. Giger’s art will be presented in the main hall of the gallery, while a group of Vincent Castiglia’s Paintings will be exhibited in an adjoining gallery.
WHEN: Thursday, February 23, 2023, Media VIP 5-6pm, Public Viewing 6-9pm
WHERE: Vincent Castiglia Gallery, 2227 Federal Highway, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Free to attend, Wine and light bites will be served.
*H.R. Giger passed away in May of 2014, at the age of 74. To claim that Giger is one of the most beloved and influential artists of our time is in no way overstating his legacy, he is one of the very few artists in modern times to be bestowed the title of “the master”.
The exhibition’s organizer, Vincent Castiglia, and in whose eponymous gallery it is mounted, is renowned internationally for his meticulously visceral paintings drawn in human blood. The artist’s first exhibition was at the H.R. Giger Museum in Switzerland, titled “Remedy For The Living” which opened on November 1st 2008 and ran for six months. Vincent was the first American artist to receive a solo exhibition invitation from the H. R. Giger Museum.
Vincent Castiglia was born in Brooklyn, New York in 1982, and presently resides in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, where he owns and operates his gallery.
Emily Taffel, Mugsy PR[email protected]