Sandbag distribution locations in Broward are open ahead of Hurricane Ian
Fort Lauderdale – Broward County has opened up two locations ahead of the arrival of Hurricane Ian. The locations are listed below.
- The City of Lauderhill will have sand and sand bags available Tuesday while supplies last and weather permits. Locations: Veterans Park (7600 NW 50 St.) and Wolk Park (1080 NW 42 Way) From 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Residents must provide proof of residency to obtain sandbags.
Limit 6 sandbags per household, must show proof of residency. 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. or until supplies last, at the following locations:
- Adult DayCare Center | 8915 Miramar Parkway, Miramar, FL 33025
- Multi Service Complex | 6700 Miramar Parkway, Miramar, FL 33023
- Sunset Lakes Community Center | 2801 SW 186th Ave, Miramar FL 33029
- Sandbags are available for self-service at an empty lot located on Northwest 53rd Street and 83rd Avenue (next to Cordoba Apartments). Access to the lot is through Northwest 53rd Street. Bags and shovels will be available on site. WHILE SUPPLIES LAST.
- Free sandbag distribution Tuesday, at Babcock Park starting at 12 p.m., while supplies last.
Miami Shores:
- Miami Shores Village Public Works Department provides sandbags at Constitutional Park that is limited to 10 bags per resident. Bags and shovels will be provided. You will have to bag your own sand.
North Miami:
- Sandbag distribution Tuesday starting at 11 a.m. (maximum of 4 bags); proof of residency required. North Miami Motor Pool, 1855 NE 142 Street, North Miami, FL 33181.
South Miami:
- Sandbags will be available until 6 p.m. Limit six bags per car. Bags will be loaded for South Miami residents. Just remain in your car and open the trunk. Location: City of South Miami Public Works Department. 4795 SW 75th Avenue.
North Miami Beach:
- Sandbags will be available Tuesday from 7 a.m. until 4 p.m. NMB residents must show a valid ID upon arrival. Limit 4 sandbags per household. Location: City of North Miami Beach Fleet Maintenance Building, 1965 NE 151 St.