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A Hidden World Above the Waves Just a mile off the coast of Miami, in the middle of Biscayne Bay, remnants of a lost world stand on stilts above the water. This is Stiltsville, a place where time and tide have…
What are the best and worst cities to live in, in the United States? One would think with recent reports from Forbes and other reputable publications, that Miami would rank high in this list however, thats not the case in…
Fort Lauderdale, Florida – “We aren’t gonna take it, no we ain’t gonna take it.” We all know the popular Twisted Sister song. That song is making charts again as a Anit-Mask group screamed the words to the song, and…
Fort Lauderdale, Florida – Deputies were back in court today to defend their actions when the arrested a 15 year old boy, Delucca Rolle. The back story – Deputies arrived in Tamarac to reports of a bunch of teenagers holding…