Opinion: Anti- Maskers Use Twisted Sister Song In Fort Lauderdale

Fort Lauderdale, Florida – “We aren’t gonna take it, no we ain’t gonna take it.” We all know the popular Twisted Sister song. That song is making charts again as a Anit-Mask group screamed the words to the song, and blasting the rock tune while over taking a Target store at the Coral Ridge Mall.

The group strolled through the Target store, telling people that the Coronavirus was not real, and that masks were unnecessary. It’s all a lie they quoted. If other customers ditched their masks, the group cheered. Some Target customers could be heard in the video saying F@@king idiots. The video went viral and received 30 million views.

Dee Snider, Twisted Sister’s Lead Singer took to Twitter to condemn the flash mob, telling them not to use his song. He was very verbal about his wishes in the Tweet.

Because the video was seen so many times, Broward County Officials took notice of the event. Target was fined for not enforcing the county’s mask law and citations were mailed to the protesters, the South Florida Sun Sentinel Reported.

Federal Health officials have previously stated that masks may help control the virus as much as a vaccine could. To most of us wearing a mask is just an outward show of support that we are all in this together and we need to take the proper precautions. Several people from the video were identified and were mailed citations.

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