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Fort Lauderdale, Florida –
Confirmed cases: Miami-Dade Broward counties | Confirmed as of 11/8 total | Increase from 11/7 |
Miami-Dade County *(deaths: 3,683+1 since 11/7) | **203,654 | +1,010 |
Broward County *(deaths: 1,548/+3 since 11/7) | **95,734 | +423 |
* Residents Tested | Testing numbers from 11/7 | Negative |
Miami-Dade County | 13,220 (7.53% percent positive) | 12,224 |
Broward County | 5,576 (7.69% percent positive) | 5,147 |
** Total cases overview of county includes positive cases in Florida residents and non-Florida residents tested in Florida *** Data in this report is provisional and subject to change ****City is not always received as part of initial notification and may be missing while case is being investigated.
Check more statistics at Florida’s COVID-19 Data and Surveillance Dashboard.