tarpon river

The Tarpon River Restoration Project in Rio Vista

The city of Fort Lauderdale has finished the Tarpon River Restoration project in Rio Vista

Fort Lauderdale – On Friday, August 26, 2022, the City of Fort Lauderdale marked the completion of the Tarpon River restoration and remediation project with Vice Mayor Ben Sorenson leading the celebration.

This surface water enhancement project included hydraulic and mechanical dredging and resulted in the removal of approximately 2,000 cubic yards of sediment along 800 feet of the river.

Over the past four months, the City has been dredging the Tarpon River on either side of the SE 9 Avenue Bridge. This was the last in a series of efforts to not just restore but enhance the Rio Vista neighborhood.

The completion of this project contributes toward the improvement of water quality in the Tarpon River, which has seen increased oxygen levels and reduced bacterial counts since mid-2020.

The City of Fort Lauderdale is committed to improving our waterways in order to provide a high quality of life for our residents and visitors, protect the natural environment for wildlife, and preserve our thriving marine industry.

Source: The city of Ft Lauderdale

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